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Our children therefore need a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of religions, beliefs, philosophies and views of the world. 

Religious Education in our school has a dual purpose.  We help children to learn about religions and people's views about the world. Along side teaching about education, we teach about moral philosophy and ask questions about belief and ideas.

We teach children about the beliefs, teachings and practices of Christianity and other principle religions and worldviews, including Judaism, Sikhism, Hinduism, Islam and Humanism.

Through enquiry, we will examine the values arising from these beliefs and practices, and how the values influence communities and societies today.  We respectfully reflect on what we may learn from these values. 

We follow the Norfolk Agreed RE Syllabus 2019

This syllabus requires that we investigate Christianity, introduce Judaism, and encounter other faiths and worldviews.

Wickewood’s RE curriculum follows the guidance of this syllabus.  It provides enquiry questions to each year group, focusing in an age-appropriate way on each area of study and touching on a range of beliefs and philosophies. 

The six areas of study (or threads) are

  • Beliefs and questions
  • Belonging (Family, community, and the world)
  • Expressions of belief (Ritual and practise)
  • Inspiration, impact and influence
  • Teachings and Authority
  • Ethics and Relationships

Following our curriculum, our teachers joyfully and respectfully help children learn both from and about religions and worldviews.  They skilfully use books, artefacts, stories, songs, art and videos to enhance and embed knowledge and understanding.  We also encourage visiting religious buildings such as churches.  We invite visitors from various faiths to visit classes to talk about their beliefs and practices.  We might re-create and participate in ceremonies as well. 

The children respond to their learning through reflection, discussion, song, art, writing and music.  They are assessed against the curriculum enquiries through observation and recorded work.  Children have visited places of worship, including Wicklewood's local church.

We ask faith leaders to participate in our collective worship gatherings. We have made connections with local Christian ministers who regularly contribute stories and inspiration to our school assemblies.