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Home Learning

Home Learning W/C 3.2.25

This page will be updated each week to give you an idea of home learning activities you may complete with your child/ren at home.

Dates & Notes

  • PE will be on Thursdays this term. Children will not need to come to school in Forest School on Mondays.

Spelling: This week we will be learning - 


Common Exception Words - By the end of the year, these are the words that we want to be able to spell in Year 2 so you might want to pick a few words each week to practise.. They are tricky words that don't follow normal spelling patterns. 


Reading - Please remind children to bring their reading records with them to school every day. Our goal is to have everyone in Swift class reading at least 5 times each week and fill our records with gold stars! Reading records will be checked and books will be changed on a Thursday, but it is important that children have their books each day so that adults can record their reading at school.


Handwriting - Practise diagonal and horizontal joins.


Maths - Practise telling the time to the nearest quarter hour in this online maths game: